
Privacy Policy
The General Regulation of Data protection (GRDP) coming into effect on May 25th, 2018, define the principles to respect during the collection, of the treatment and the conservation of personal data. They ensure also the rights for the people concerned.
The present privacy policy defines and informs you of the way in which our website uses and protects information that you transmit to us, if necessary, when you use this accessible site starting from the URL : https://www.barriquand.com/fr/ (hereafter the “Site”). Please note that this privacy policy is likely to be modified or supplemented at any time by Rozières Company, in particular in order to conform to any development legislative, regulatory or jurisprudential. In such a case, the date of its update will be clearly identified at the top of the present policy. These modifications online engage the User as of their setting. It is appropriate consequently that the User regularly consults the present privacy policy and of use of the cookies in order to become acquainted with its possible modifications.
Generally, it is possible for you to visit our Site without communicating any personal information concerning you. In any assumption, you in any manner are don’t obliged to transmit information to BARRIQUAND Company. Nevertheless, in the event of refusal, it may be that you cannot profit from certain information or services which you asked. For this reason, indeed, our Site can come in certain cases, ask you to inform your name, first name, addresses e-mail, phone number, company and function (hereafter your “Personal information”). By providing this information, you accept expressly that they are treated BARRIQUAND Company, for purposes indicated to item 2 below like for thus recalled at the end of each form. In accordance with the General Regulation on the Data protection (General Protection Regulation Dated) adopted by the European Parliament on April 14th, 2016, and with the Data-processing Law and Freedoms of the modified January 6th, 1978,BARRIQUAND Company informs you of the following points:
- Identity of the person in charge of the treatment
The person in charge of the treatment is the company BARRIQUAND, having his head office with 9-13, rue Saint-Claude F
FRANCE Phone number : Tél. 33 (0)4 69 65 02 07
- Finalities of the treatment
BARRIQUAND company is likely to process your Personal information: (A) for purposes to provide you information or the services which you asked (in particular: the sending of the Newsletter, commercial offer, white papers or the evaluation of your level of conformity via a quizz); and/or (b) for purposes to collect information allowing us to improve our Site, our products and services (in particular by the means of cookies); and/or (c) for purposes of being able to contact you in connection with various events relative to BARRIQUAND Company, in particular including the update of the products and the support customer.
- Recipient
Only BARRIQUAND Company is recipient of your Personal information. Those, that it is in individual or aggregate form, are never transmitted to a third, notwithstanding the subcontractors to which BARRIQUAND Company appeals (you will find further information on their subject as in point 7 below). Neither BARRIQUAND Company, nor any of its subcontractors, carry out the marketing of the personal data of the visitors and Users of his Site.
- Shelf life
Your Personal information are stored by BARRIQUAND Company only for the time corresponding to the finality of the collection as indicated into 2 above which could not exceed 24 months in any event.
- Laws Computer and Freedoms
You have the following rights concerning your Personal information, which you can exert by writing at the address to us postal mentioned as in point 1 or by filling administration personal data.
Right of access and disclosure of information
You have the ability to reach the Personal information which concern you. However, because of the obligation of security and confidentiality in the data processing in personal matter which falls on BARRIQUAND Company, you are informed that your request will be treated provided you report the proof of your identity, in particular by the production of a valid electronic identification (in the event of request by our dedicated electronic form) or of a signed photocopy of your title of valid identity (in the event of in writing addressed request). Company BARRIQUAND informs you that it will be in right, if necessary, to be opposed to the obviously abusive requests (from their number, their repetitive or systematic character). To help you in your approach, in particular if you wish to exert your right of access by the means of a written request at the address postal mentioned to item 1, you will find while clicking on the link according to a model of mail worked out by the National Commission of Data processing and Freedoms (the “CNIL”). https://www.cnil.fr/fr/modele/courrier/exercer-son-droit-dacces
Right of correction of the data
Under this right, the legislation entitles you to require correction, the update, the locking or the obliteration of the data concerning you which can prove inaccurate if necessary, erroneous, incomplete or obsolete. Also, you can define general and particular directives relating to the fate of the data in personal matter after your death. If necessary, the heirs to a person deceased can require taking into account the death of their close relation and/or to proceed to the updates necessary. To help you in your approach, in particular if you wish to exert, for your own account or on behalf of one of your close relations deceased, your right of correction by the means of a written request at the address postal mentioned to item 1, you will find while clicking on the link according to a model of mail worked out by the CNIL. https://www.cnil.fr/fr/modele/courrier/rectifier-des-donnees-inexactes-obsoletes-ou-perimees
Right of opposition
The exercise of this right is not possible that in one of the two following situations: 1. When the exercise of this right is founded on legitimate reasons; or 2. The exercise of this right aims at preventing so that the data collected are used at ends of commercial prospection. To help you in your approach, in particular if you wish to exert your right of opposition by the means of an addressed written request at the address postal indicated to item 1, you will find while clicking on the link according to a model of mail worked out by the CNIL. https://www.cnil.fr/fr/modele/courrier/supprimer-des-informations-vous-concernant-dun-site-internet
- Deadlines for reply
BARRIQUAND company is committed answering your request for access, correction or opposition or any other request complementary to information within a reasonable delay which could not exceed 1 month as from the reception of your request.
- Authorized persons and transfer receiving benefits towards a third country of the European Union
Company BARRIQUAND informs you that it has recourse to provider entitled to facilitate the collection and the processing data that you communicated to us. These people receiving benefits can be located apart from the European Union and have disclosure of information collected by the means of the various forms present on the Site (except for the form allowing you to exert your laws Computer and Freedoms which is proposed and exploited by BARRIQUAND Company). BARRIQUAND company made sure beforehand of the implementation by its providers of adequate warranties and of the respect of strict conditions as regards confidentiality, use and data protection. Particularly, vigilance went on the existence of a legal base to carry out any transfer of information towards a third country. For this reason, one of our providers is subject to internal rules of company (or “Binding Corporate Rules”) which were approved by the CNIL in 2016 when the others obey not only Standard Contractual Clauses but also Privacy Shield.
- Complaint near the competent jurisdiction
If you consider that BARRIQUAND Company does not respect its obligations relative to consideration your Personal information, you can address a complaint or a request near the competent jurisdiction. In France, the competent jurisdiction is the CNIL to which you can address a request by electronic way while clicking on the following link: https://www.cnil.fr/fr/plaintes/internet.
- Policy relating to the cookies
At the time of your first connection on the Web site of Rozières Company, you are informed by a stringcourse in bottom of your screen that relative information with your navigation are likely to be recorded in files called “cookies”. Our policy of use of the cookies enables you to better understand the provisions which we implement as regards navigation on our Web site. It informs you in particular on the unit of the cookies present on our Web site, their purpose (part I.) and the procedure to follow gives you to parameterize them (part II.)
- General information on the cookies present on our site
BARRIQUAND company, as an editor of this Web site, will be able to proceed to the establishment of a cookie on the hard drive of your terminal (computer, shelf, mobile etc) in order to guarantee a fluid and optimal navigation to you on our website. The “cookies” (or cookies) are small textual files of limited size which enable us to recognize your computer, your tablet or your mobile for purposes to personalize the services that we propose to you. The information collected by the means of the cookies does not allow in any manner of identifying you by name. They are used exclusively for our own needs in order to improve the interactivity and the performance of our Web site and to address to you contents adapted to your centers of interests. None of this information is the object of a communication near third except when BARRIQUAND Company obtained your assent as a preliminary or when the disclosure of this information is required by the law, on order of a court or any administrative authority or legal entitled to know some. For better informing you on information than the cookies identify, you will find below a table listing the various types of cookies likely to be used on the Web site of Company BARRIQUAND, their name, their finality like their shelf life.
- Configuration of your preferences on the cookies
You can accept or to constantly refuse the deposit of cookies At the time of your first connection on the Web site of BARRIQUAND Company, a banner briefly presenting relative information to the deposit of cookies and technologies similar appears in bottom of your screen. This banner informs you that by continuing your navigation on the Web site of BARRIQUAND Company (by charging a new page or while clicking on various elements of the site for example), you accept the deposit of cookies on your terminal. You are also famous to have given your consent to the deposit of cookies while clicking on the icon ; on the right of the banner appearing in bottom of your screen. According to the type of cookie in question, the collection of your assent to the deposit and the reading of cookies on your terminal can be imperative. a. The cookies exempted of assent In accordance with the recommendations of the National Commission of Data processing and Freedoms (CNIL), unquestionable cookies are exempted preliminary collection of your assent insofar as they are strictly necessary to the operation of the website or have as an exclusive purpose to allow or facilitate the communication by electronic way. They is in particular the cookies of login of session, authentification, session of balancing of load as well as cookies of personalization of your interface. These cookies are completely subjected to the present policy insofar as they are emitted and managed by Rozières Company. b. The cookies requiring the preliminary collection of your assent This requirement relates to the cookies emitted by thirds and which are qualified the “persistent ones” insofar as they remain in your terminal until their obliteration or their expiration date. Such cookies being emitted by thirds, their use and their deposit are subjected to their own privacy policies of which you will find a link below. This family of cookie gathers the cookies of measurement of audience (in particular Google Analytics), the advertising cookies (to which BARRIQUAND Company does not resort) as well as the cookies of division of social networks (in particular of Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and LinkedIn). The cookies of measurement of audience draw up statistics concerning the frequentation and the use of various elements of the Web site (like the contents/pages which you visited). These data take part in the improvement of the ergonomics of the Web site of BARRIQUAND Company. A measuring instrument of audience is used on this website: Google Analytics whose privacy policy is available starting from the following link: https://www.google.com/analytics/learn/privacy.html?hl=fr The cookies of division of the social networks are emitted and managed by the editor of the social network concerned. Subject to your assent, these cookies enable you to easily share part of the contents published on the site of BARRIQUAND Company, in particular via an application “button” of division according to the social network concerned. Four types of cookies of division of the social networks are present on the site of BARRIQUAND Company: Facebook, of which you can consult the policy as regards cookies while clicking on the following link: https://fr-fr.facebook.com/policies/cookies/ LinkedIn, of which you will find the policy relating to the cookies while clicking on the following link: https://www.linkedin.com/legal/cookie-policy?_l=fr_FR Twitter, of which you will find the options dedicated to the control or the restriction of the use of the cookies as well as the policy of use of the cookies: https://support.twitter.com/articles/20170518# YouTube, whose you will find the required assistance to remove the cookies starting from the Google Chrome browser while clicking on the following link: https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/32050?hl=fr but also the policy supplements as regards cookies starting from the following link: https://www.google.fr/intl/fr/policies/technologies/cookies/ c. You have various tools for parameter setting of the cookies Most web browsers are configured by default so that the deposit of cookies is authorized. Your browser offers opportunity to you of modifying these standard parameters so that the whole of the cookies is rejected systematically or so that a part only of the cookies is accepted or refused according to their transmitter. WARNING : We draw your attention to the fact that the refusal of the deposit of cookies on your terminal is nevertheless likely to deteriorate your experiment of user like your access to certain services or features of this Web site. If necessary, BARRIQUAND Company declines any responsibility concerning the consequences related to degradation for your conditions for navigation which intervene because of your choice to refuse, remove or block the cookies necessary to the operation of the site. These consequences could not constitute a damage and you will be able to claim with no allowance of this fact. Your browser also allows you to remove the cookies existing on your terminal or to report you when new cookies are likely to be deposited on your terminal. These parameter settings do not affect your navigation but make you lose all the benefit brought by the cookie. Please below become acquainted with the multiple tools placed at your disposal so that you can parameterize the cookies deposited on your terminal. d. The parameter setting of your web browser. Each web browser proposes his own parameters of management of the cookies. To know how to modify your preferences as regards cookies, you will find below the links towards the required assistance to reach the menu of your browser envisaged for this purpose: Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=fr Firefox : https://support.mozilla.org/fr/kb/activer-desactiver-cookies Internet Explorer : https://support.microsoft.com/fr-fr/help/17442/windows-internet-explorer-delete-manage-cookies#ie=ie-11 Opera: http://help.opera.com/Windows/10.20/fr/cookies.html Safari: https://support.apple.com/kb/PH21411?viewlocale=fr_FR&locale=fr_FR
The follow-up of the visitor allows since Twitter.
Expiry: 10 days
Improve the experiment visitor according to his history Expiry: 1 day
Improve the experiment visitor according to his history
Expiry: 1 day
Hotjar _hjIncludedInSample
Allows to collect statistics and behaviors of navigation on the page in order to improve continuously the Web site according to the use and the navigation of the visitors. Expiry: End of session
Google Analytics
We use Google Analytics to collect information on the way in which the visitors use the site, and to thus better know their waitings. That enables us to improve the site constantly. Google Analytics records information on the pages which you visit, the duration of the visit, the pages of source, etc We do not receive, nor do not record any personal information of type name or addresses: this cookie cannot thus be used to identify you. We do not authorize Google to use or share with a third the data of navigation on our site. The expiry indicated below represents the lifetime of a cookie on your browser.
This number generated by chance is used to know the number of unique visitors on our site.
Expiry: 2 years
This number generated by chance is used (with _utmc) to know the average duration of the visits on our site.
Expiry: 30 minutes
This number generated by chance is used (with _utmb) to know at which time you close your browser.
Expiry: End of session
Makes it possible to contain the peaks of requests in order to improve the experiment of use.
Expiry: 10 minutes
This is a number generated by chance as well as information on the way in which the site was joined by the visitor (via a link, organic research or sponsored research). Expiry: 6 months
You can decide not to provide data via the cookies Google Analytics To reach Google Analytics For further information concerning the tools for control of the cookies, you can consult the website of the CNIL: https://www.cnil.fr/fr/cookies-les-outils-pour-les-maitriser.
The parameter setting of the tool tarteaucitron the desactivation of the cookies can also be done directly via the tool tarteaucitron set up on the site BARRIQUAND Company. Interactive, it makes it possible to manage your cookies via a stringcourse available in bottom on the right of the viewed page (button “Management of the services”) and lists the whole of the cookies credits. To disable a cookie, it is enough to click on the cross close to the proposed service. If the whole of the cookies are disabled, the stringcourse dedicated to collect the assent of the user will reappear at the time of the cooling of the page. For any interrogation or asks complementary to information relative to the present policy of the cookies, thanks for agreeing to contact us.te.