A 1,000 m2 new workshop for Barriquand
A willingness for Barriquand to increase both its productivity and reactivity…
A new workshop of 1000 sq. m. for Barriquand
Barriquand, the specialist of heat exchangers for the industry, started the construction of anew workshop, inside its production facility of Roanne, France. Equipped with two rollingcranes of 40 tons each, this new building will entirely be dedicated to the fabrication oflarge Platular® heat exchangers.
This investment is an excellent opportunity for Barriquand to increase both its productivityand reactivity for its «Made in France» genuine Platular® technology, a major issue sincethe company exports 60% of its production worldwide.
The opening ceremony will take place in the spring of 2016, the same year celebrating the80 years anniversary of the company.