Heat exchangers in organic and mineral chemistry
In organic and mineral chemistry, various steps require the use of heat exchangers in order to perform operations such as unit heating, cooling, condensation, evaporation and drying.
Main processes

Barriquand heat exchangers are used in numerous chemical processes such as:
- Ammonia and fertilizers
- Organic solvants
- The Polymers industry: PEHD, hydrogen peroxide, propylene oxide
- Production of methionine, ethyl acetate, fatty acids, siliconized products, etc.
A construction file and quality tracking for every exchanger

Particular requirements and technical specifications for each process impose suitable heat exchanger dimensioning and design.
Thanks to our extensive experience in organic and mineral chemistry and more than 50 years of know-how, Barriquand thoroughly understands the specific needs of each of its clients. Therefore, we are in a position to choose between different designs, various construction types, and distinct materials grades, according to the codes (CODAP, ASME, AD MERKBLATT, etc.) and regulations applicable depending on the country (PED, U STAMP, SELO, TÜV, etc.).
For each exchanger, a construction file is prepared in our engineering and design departments at Barriquand and ASET. Each step in its production, right up to its final reception in the plant, is validated by the quality
The strengths of Barriquand exchangers in organic and mineral chemistry

Thermal and hydraulic dimensioning:
- Thermal efficiency: high exchange coefficient
- Dimensioning with very low temperature pinches
- Low losses of head
- Fouling and/or viscous fluids
- Desuperheating and undercooling
- Condensation in high vacuum
Construction, design:
- Apparatus easy to open and clean
- Smooth, wide channels, with no points of contact, that can be adapted to the fluids
- Compact
- Self-draining circuit
- Small volumes
- Installation in horizontal or vertical position
- Multi-circuit construction: several utility circuits on the same exchanger
- Inert/liquid separation
- Many materials possible
- Finish according to requirements (surface condition, electro-polishing, mechanical polishing, etc.)
- Free-expansion exchanger
Other heat exchanger applications
- Heat exchangers on utility fluids
- Heat exchangers on CIP (cleaning in place)
- Production of hot water
- Fuel heaters (natural gas, heavy fuel oil)
- Kettle (evaporator-condenser, heat transfer oil, superheated water, etc.)