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The heat exchanger specialist

Heat exchangers for the food processing

Food preparation is subject to hygiene constraints requiring  easy to clean heat exchangers that preserve the product’s integrity. Barriquand offers its expertise in customized heat exchangers – bringing you reliable and cost-effective products that comply with the food-processing standards in force.


A heat exchanger suited to each type of food


Dairy products

  • Pasteurization
  • UHT sterilization

Egg products

  • Heating/cooling



Heat exchangers suited to complex products

Stewed fruits/jams

  • Heating in order to lower the product’s viscosity
  • Heating/cooling


  • Heating in order to lower the product’s viscosity
  • Sterilization (SIP)
  • Pasteurization


  • Cooling
  • Sterilization

Meat-based products/prepared dishes

Barriquand exchangers adapt to customers' processes and specifications

  • Surface condition (rugosity: Ra)
  • Drainability
  • Specific couplings (clamp, DIN, SMS, Macon, etc.)
  • Materials…

Other applications of Barriquand exchangers in food processing

  • Exchangers on utility fluids (heating, compressor, air-conditioning, etc.)
  • Exchangers on CIP (cleaning in place)
  • Hot water production
  • Fuel heaters (natural gas, heavy fuel oil)
  • Kettle (evaporator-condenser, heat transfer oil, superheated water, etc.)


Shell and tube heat exchanger

Brazed plate heat exchanger

Pcv Platular® heat exchanger

Platular® smart hybrid welded plate heat exchanger

Shell and coil heat exchangers

Gasketed plate heat exchanger